International Bible Study - Nijmegen, The Netherlands

International Bible Study - Nijmegen (IBSN) is a place where you can feel at home in a country far-away from your own. We are around here from 2006, had worked in joint effort with International Student union HOST of the Radboud University Nijmegen for 2 years & now functioning as iCSN (International Christian Students Nijmegen) under the Christian Student Union CSN (Christian Students Nijmegen). This service/ministry is part of the International Christian Fellowship Nijmegen (ICFN).

If you are an International looking for a fellowship in English in Nijmegen, this is an opportunity that we want to extend for you. We conduct meetings mostly during Wednesday evenings in English and other fun activities from time-to-time. Once a month we have a special fellowship on 2nd OR 4th Sunday (see schedule). All our meetings are exclusively in English for the International Community in Nijmegen.

  • To learn more from the Bible
  • To feel at home in a foreign land
  • To meet like minded people
  • To experience international cuisine
  • To have a good discussion
  • To enjoy a movie/documentary (with moral values)
  • Enjoy fun trips & activities

A typical evening starts by gathering together at our meeting place around 18:00/19:00 and have dinner first. Later we sing some songs and discuss together. There is time for prayer at the end. Once a month we watch a Christian movie and discuss what we have seen. We take rotations with every one who likes to host the meetings and has the oppurtunity to do so. Usually, the meetings ends around 21:00.

This is primarily meant for English speaking internationals, but anyone who is interested can join these meetings or activities without hesitation even if they do not belong to any Christian organisation and all the activities will be conducted in English. We give support & friendship to people far away from their homes and we hope that you won't feel lonely in this foreign land! International Students as well as expat-workers are welcome to our meetings regardless of race or religion. This is a non-denominational gathering for human beings! Love & peace as preached by Jesus is our motto. We hope to make you feel at home. If you're looking for an International Church, please see the link given below.

If you have any questions or like to receive more information on these meetings & activities, please contact us so that you can join our mailing list / Wahtsapp group.

Feel free to follows us on


We look forward to see you soon in one of the meetings. God Bless your stay in Nijmegen. Here is the Online Schedule for our meetings.

ZaanseSchans Ghent
Ice Skate Games
Discussions Outings Trips Movies
  1. English Language Churches in Nijmegen
  2. General Information for Internationals in Nijmegen
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